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The Bat! Pro 5.0.10 Final + Portable
 Интернет  Добавил: Pirat

The Bat! - новенькая происходившая издание почтового покупателя. Поддерживаеся хоть какое количество почтовых ящиков POP и IMAP, кодирование переписки с поддержкою PGP , наличествует массивная конструкция сортировки почты, программа посланий про извещении о приходе почты в игрок и управления поступающей почтой напрямик в сервере и очень много остальных, никак не наименее нужных способностей. Будто интересно, достаточно тяжело коротко обьяснить, нежели ведь оборудование превосходнее остальных почтовых кодов (такого ведь Outlook Express), однако уверуйте в словечко, а превосходнее - удостоверьтесь самочки, будто в нынешний среда The Bat! считается одной изо более пригодных почтовых кодов про переписки.

Что нового:
[-] "When browsing messages, retrieve only message text" and "Except messages smaller than" options must be enabled by default
[-] (#0008470) Deleting IMAP folder cache causes wrong Total messages account counter
[-] Incorrect port was displayed for IMAP accounts on Account Info panel
[-] Message List: Sorting Subject/From/To groups by latest time was not functional
[-] (#0008371) Inline graphics disappear when opening multiple messages
[-] When both options to automatically mark message as read were switched off, messages still were marked as read
[-] (#0007784) message about old format in new versions
[-] Handling reply/forward commands for inline viewers of messages wasn't working properly
[-] Replied filters wasn't executed automatically
[-] (#0008575) 5.0.8 AVs while switching between pictures tabs in message view
[-] (#0008606) Deletion attachments was not refreshing messages in the Finder's message list
[-] (#0007397) HTML QT included in TEXT Folder template produces HTML code in Microed
[-] IMAP download preferences specified in account settings wasn't used by default in all folders
[-] (#0008609) the TO field was not focused when a message was forwarded in non-MIME format
[-] (#0008611) Thread operations were ignoring date grouping
[-] (#0008621) Empty folders function was broken in v5
[-] (#0008602) IMAP : Option "When inactive, disconnect after" does not work
[-] Rethreading function was working wrong when the dragged message was droppend onto itself causing hiding of the message from the list
[-] (#0008614) Delete button was working as "delete and follow next" when message list was switched off in the separate message list viewer
[-] (#0008628) message export/save as function was using non-modal file save dialogue causing problems on some systems
[-] (#0008583) Option "Play sound when new mail arrives" doesn't work
[+] (#0007284) Print function is now functional in the image viewer
[-] The last used Address Book was not recalled after restart
[-] (#0008550) Connection Centre : Log window is empty for POP and SMTP tasks
[* ] When encrypting a message, The Bat! will no loger use SubjectKeyIdentifier for compatibility with other programs which do not support this structure.
[* ] In S/MIME signatures, the attribute ESSCertIDv2 is now added.
[-] (#0008582) EML/MSG/VCF association erro under WinXP when saving Preferences dialog
[-] (#0008630) Reading Confirmations could not be generated
[-] (#0008620) v5.0.8 fails to print large messages to the end
[-] AV when switching to "Subscribed only" tab in IMAP folder manager
[-] (#0008608) Folder Information Panels Bug!
[-] (#0008626) Links in HTML mail get mangled
[-] (#0008625) Drag and drop message in same folder
[-] (#0008629) All messages after review of properties of a folder are lost - Russian version (5.0.8(.1))
[-] (#0008576) Replies to messages from .EML files were empty
[-] (#0008650) Sending a file from Windows Explorer was not working
[-] (#0008204) Image smileys were not working when The Bat! was started from a desktop shortcut with no "Start in" folder defined
[-] (#0008280) IMAP : Option "Mark deleted messages as read" in IMAP account properties is not applied
[-] (#0008587) When clicking Minimize, Maximize, Close Button in v5.0.8, the program hangs a while, and the cursor can't be moved.
Размер: 16.4 / 12.4 MB, Rus, Cracked

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Скачать The Bat! Pro 5.0.10 Final (vip-file) >>
Скачать The Bat! Pro 5.0.10 Final (turbobit) >>

Скачать The Bat! Pro 5.0.10 Final Portable (letitbit) >>
Скачать The Bat! Pro 5.0.10 Final Portable (vip-file) >>
Скачать The Bat! Pro 5.0.10 Final Portable (turbobit) >>

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